Climate Adaptation Gaps in Africa

In our previous post, we explained what Climate Adaption is. Read:, and we realized how it is a fundamental pillar in the fight against climate change. As of today, we will discuss some of the gaps in Climate Adaptation that may hinder the long-term goal of combating climate change.

It’s barely a fortnight since Kenya hosted the African Climate Summit, whose theme was ‘Driving Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World.’- A very well-thought theme if you ask me. It is even more interesting that for the first time, ahead of COP 28, Africans met to talk about what affects them before meeting the whole world for COP 28, which is slated for 30th Nov- 12th Dec 2023. The ACS made us realize that we still have a long way to go as a continent in the implementation of Climate Adaption policies and practices. Below are some of the Africa’s Climate Adaption Gaps;

Inadequate Finance.

Little funds are put in place to build resilient communities. Community resilience is the ability of a community to sustainably use the available resources to respond to, withstand and recover from adverse climatic conditions. We may not achieve this by allocating inadequate funds towards it.

Lack of feasibility test on Sustainable Projects.

Most projects dubbed ‘Sustainable’ in Africa do not meet their objectives; more often, the investor pulls out even before the projects pick up. The reason behind this solely lies in the lack of/inadequate feasibility test. Additionally, there is no monitoring as well as follow-up on Sustainable initiatives.

Priority and Goodwill

Most governments in Africa prioritize economic growth and infrastructural development over environmental conservation. In many instances, forests and wetlands are destroyed to pave way for roads and other projects. Our leaders are more concerned about legacies than anything else.

Lack of clarity between Development and Adaptation.

There is a thin line between development and Adaptation. In Africa, most development projects are traditional in nature and are not as sustainable as most people perceive them to be. Rarely do adaptation efforts entail activities not found in the development toolbox. The uniquely adaptive elements of most efforts are those involved in defining problems, selecting strategies, and setting priorities – not in implementing solutions.

Borrowed/Foreign Adaptation policies

Most African countries are rated as third-world or developing countries. Interestingly, the policies and practices that we are trying to implement as African countries are made for and in developed countries. Some of these initiatives are high-level and may not serve third-world countries as they are supposed to.

In conclusion, there needs to be a genuine talk about climate change. We need to be fully invested in this and just like our economic growth, climate adaptation is important as well. Enough funds should be allocated to such projects and local knowledge is needed in drafting policies.

With goodwill from the governments, the whole world will be shocked at how Africa managed to resolve its own issues. It is even sad that we contribute little to climate change yet we are the most hit by its effect and this demands seriousness when dealing by Climate change issues.



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